Kamis, 16 Maret 2017



The noun or noun phrase (gender, number, and person) that tells whom or what the sentence addresses.

Type of subject

-          Simple
Example : Kelly puts a lot of sauce in her food.
(Kelly is the subject. A simple subject is just one word without any modifiers).
-          Complete
Example : That new girl from England puts a lot of sauce in her food.
(That new girl from England is a complete subject. It is the simple subject (girl) plus all modifiers).
-          Compound
Example : Kelly and George put a lot of sauce in their food.
(Kelly and George is a compound subject. That just means it is made up of more than one element).



Verbs are often describes as doing words. A verb usually tells us what action is being performed.
For example :
·         He read the book.
·         She eat the cake.
Verbs can express a physical actions, mental actions, or states of being.
For example :
1)      Verbs expressing physical actions.
Verbs that express physical actions are the ones that spring to mind when most people think about verbs. Such verbs are easy to spot because the action can be easily envisaged. Here are some examples of verbs expressing physical actions :
·         To climb
·         To hit
·         To swim

2)      Verbs expressing mental actions.
Not all actions are physical. Some are mental. Here are some examples of verbs expressing mental actions :
·         To guess
·         To think
·         To wonder

3)      Verbs expressing a state of being.
The very act of being (i.e., just existing) is also an action. Below are some examples of verbs express a state of being. The most common one (in fact, the most common verb of all) is the verb to be.
·         To appear
·         To exist
·         To be

            A complement is the part of a sentence that comes after the Verb and is needed to make the sentence complete.
Examples of Complements
1)      Subject Complement
He’s a surveyor.
(The subject is completed by the complement to the verb. This is a copula verb.)
2)      Object Complement
He sent her the email.
(The sentence is completed by telling us what he sent to her)
3)      Adjectival Complement
They’ll be happy.
(The sentence is completed by the Adjective; this could be extended further, they’ll be happy to see us, etc.)
4)      Prepositional Complement
They’ll talked about what needed doing.
(The sentence is completed by the phrase linked to the verb by the preposition)


Tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it’s a prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun.
The modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the modifier especially when it’s a prepositional phrase, usually can’t separate the verb and the complement.

1)          Sandra        is cooking        dinner                 tonight.
        Subject       Verb Phrase        Complement      Modifier of time

2)          Faras and Robby   have visited     the president.
                  Subject              Verb Phrase    Complement

3)          We            can eat           lunch           in this restaurant      today.
         Subject  Verb Phrase     Complement      Modifier place    Modifier time

4)          He         opened            his sketch book.
       Subject     Verb Phrase         Complement

5)          Sam       is washing          dishes            right now.
       Subject       Verb Phrase    Complement     Modifier time

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