Kamis, 20 April 2017

My Goals & Hopes in Life

           People in the world have their goals, hopes and dreams no matter they are children, teenagers or adults. Normally, their desires are changing while they are growing along. It's because people in different ages have different requirements and thoughts. It's amazing that when you become mature, you start to think about things that you don't normally think. No matter how hard it would be, most people would try their best to achieve their goals, hopes and dreams.
           The number one question on my mind is which profession should I choose? It's very hard to make any definite choices, because I know they will affect me for the rest of my life. I want a profession that will satisfy me, challenge me, and bring me joy. I believe that job should be like a hobby. I want to love my work, and know that I am making a difference in this world by helping other people. 
           As for now, I am only focusing my attention on finishing my studies. After I have a bachelor degree, I plan to get a job working which related to the financial examination (auditor) or work in and around technology and business. I have a plan to have a business on restaurant or coffee shop, because I am as coffee lovers. Another goal of mine is to one day married , but first I would like to travel around the world and see all the different cultures, before I get tied down to one place. I would also like to have kids one day. Not too many, because I know how much trouble they get into, and how much of a nuisance they can be sometimes. Becoming a parent has its up and downs, the joy having a child is predominately a blessing. 
            So, I hope that I can be success and make my parents proud by providing outstanding achievement . May Allah always bless my way, Amin

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